Your Car Key Guys is a B2B only retailer. If you are not an automotive professional, your order will be cancelled. If you need to set up an account or have questions, give us a call at (931) 451-7881

Cash 4 Keys


Stop throwing away your broken, bricked, locked & cut keys. Turn those old busted keys into cash in your pocket today! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  • STEP 1

    Send an email to the address below to request a price quote...

  • STEP 2

    Fill out the Key Buyback form accessible from the downloadable link below. Oh! & make sure to include the form in your package...

  • STEP 3

    Get your money in the form of PayPal payment, bank ACH or in-store credit in as little as 5 business days!

Ready to get started?

For a quote, email us at & a representative will reach out.

Fill out the form below, available for download, to get paid!